Team Member Spotlight
Professional Development is an important part of Power Generator Systems, and our General Manager, Silvia Frost was able to head to Sydney in May, to check out Business Chick’s 9 to Thrive Summit, for some business training and inspiration.
A few highlights:
Adam Jacobs (Co-Founder of The Iconic), talked about his website that is the largest eCommerce site in Australia, and how their company uses technology to innovate and challenge the marketplace to give a great experience for customers.
Self-funded CEO (and former Supermodel) Miranda Kerr, who spoke on the importance of savings and investment, especially for our younger workforce, so they might have an ability to invest in opportunities they’re passionate about as they progress in their jobs and careers.
Ita Buttrose who is the current Chair of the ABC and known for her work with a range of Aussie media publications, spoke from experience on leadership and challenges women in the workplace to have each other’s backs.
The next time you chat with Silvia, ask her about the staff development projects PGS is launching this financial year. Get in touch with Silvia today.